The Power of Auto-Saving in SDA

Best Practices, Collaboration, Microsoft SharePoint, Sales Project File Management
July 21, 2020

Unlock Huge Benefits with Auto-Saving in SDA

If you aren’t auto-saving your SDA quote and output files, you should be.  You can save time and gain consistency in your quote/output file names – and the folders or SharePoint sites where they are stored – using the auto-naming and auto-saving features of SDA.  These features can be turned on by your Architect Manager (or SDA Admin) at no additional subscription cost. Start reaping the rewards with this functionality today!

Without SDA’s auto-saving functionality, SDA users often end up with folders full of SDA quote files named “Quote1”, “Quote2”, etc. or they “lose” their quotes if they are saved to a non-standard location, which happens when they’re in a hurry.  And when files are not saved to a central location, then collaboration is difficult.  SDA can help.

Benefits of Auto-Saving

  • Enables collaboration so that team members can work together on files and projects
  • Automates file naming and file saving (i.e., where to save files) for quotes and outputs (proposals, SOWs, etc.), saving time and reducing file naming/saving errors
  • Integrated with the SDA Dashboard, providing easy access to all files associated with sales opportunities and quotes
  • Integrated with Microsoft Office so that, for example, files can be modified online or at the desktop
  • Combine Auto-Saving with our SharePoint integration – available with all Microsoft 365 subscriptions – so that you can:
    • Pull and/or insert always up-to-date content from SharePoint for proposals, SOWs, RFPs and other documents
    • Send proposals to customers or prospects for e-signature with SharePoint-integrated add-on solutions like DocuSign or Adobe Sign
    • Access SharePoint capabilities including versioning, history, workflow, check-out/check-in features, flexible permissions, two-level Recycle Bin, and controls that prevent accidental file deletion or moving

To address the document management confusion, you can customize SalesDoc Architect so that the information contained within the quote file (such as customer name, site description, your name, etc.) can be used to automatically name the quote file and save it to a specific folder on the network or SharePoint site simply by clicking SAVE. No more browsing for folders or manually typing in file names.

Using auto-saving and auto-naming saves you time, ensures consistency and makes it easy to quickly find the quote files you need. It also simplifies your quote file management and maintenance tasks (such as file backups), provides company-wide access to quote files, and enables your organization to take full advantage of the SDA Dashboard management tool and (if you subscribe to Microsoft 365) SharePoint.

Other Features that Rely on Auto-Saving:

SDA’s auto-saving functionality does more than just name and save your files; it enables you to incorporate other functions into the “file save” process.  You can…

  • Auto-Prompt for the correct version number – prompt your users to enter a quote version number via a pop-up dialog
  • Use Workflow Rules to prevent file save operations if certain conditions are not met
  • Automate your Approvals process
  • Leverage SharePoint document management capabilities and take Auto-Saving to the next level

How to Get Started

Architect Managers (AMs) can define quote and output file naming and folder saving schemes so that files are auto-saved to a company-specific folder structure or SharePoint site schema using a consistent file naming scheme.  Using Excel formulas, SDA “calculates” – using data pulled from the quote file – the filenames and network/local folders (and SharePoint sites) to which files should be saved.

Auto-Saving Options:

  • Network: Auto-Saving to your network gets you many of the benefits of this feature – Learn More!  Also see steps for setup for AMs.
  • SharePoint: Auto-Saving to SharePoint gives you full access to all of SharePoint’s benefits plus the advantages that come with the integration with SDA.  Learn More!  Also see steps for setup for AMs.

Auto-Saving to Network vs. SharePoint

There really isn’t a contest.  Auto-Saving to SharePoint opens up a host of features and add-on applications that saving to your Network doesn’t provide.  Plus, saving to the Network requires VPN access; SharePoint is cloud-based so saving files does not require network access.  Read more about the benefits of Auto-Saving with SharePoint.


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This article contains content about features or functionality that clients can implement on their own.  If clients need training, design or implementation assistance, our normal labor rates will apply.